Russia Has Invaded the Ukraine. Uhhhhh, Ok. And?

DAMN! There are actual BLACK AMERICANS who care more about the white on white conflict in the Ukraine than they did about the massive earthquake that hit Haiti or the constant robbing of natural resources from countries in Africa by China and other European countries including America.

Need I mention the deep silence of these same “concern for the Ukraine” American blacks on the issues of reparations, out of wedlock births, single motherhood, the constant assault on black male masculinity, the purposeful underfunding of public school systems where the student population is more than 85% black, and the purposeful ignoring of political tangibles for the black community by the Democratic Party even when the party receives millions of dollars in political donations and over 90% of the black vote from said community?
I get it. The Russian-Ukraine incident is easy to get behind and express concern over. There’s really no actual work involved our expressing concern like the rest of America. It’s an easy distraction from the many issues that Black Americans face and on a daily basis here in America that require actual political and economic work to address.
After all, Black Americans are Americans too, right? Even though we are the only Americans who’s voting rights have to come up for a vote in the Congress and in the Senate every 25 years. Even though a supposed threat to our voting rights by mean ole Republicans is always conveniently used as a campaign scare tactic by Democratic candidates who rarely if ever deliver on any campaign promises once elected.
Hmmmm, am I the only one who thinks it’s kind of weird that Black Americans are the only Americans in this country who must have their voting rights approved by the Congress and the Senate every 25 years?
As Black Americans, I think there are plenty of issues and conflicts in our own country and in our community that actually effects us so much so that we can best utilize this convenient and deflective “concern” for the Russian-Ukraine conflict in our back yard.
Rico Rivers


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