
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Greatest Pain I've Ever Felt: The Conversation with my Absent biological father who never wanted to be found.

The Greatest Pain I Had Ever Felt occurred over 25 years ago while I was still a student at Grambling State University. I will never forget the night that changed everything for me. I remember I was working nights, after class, at the university’s health center in the cleaning department as a work-study student in Grambling State University’s student work-study program to earn extra money to pay for books, food and other living expenses. I liked working there because when I would go on breaks, I would casually slip into one of the nurse’s offices and talk on the phone while my supervisor would be in the break room eating and talking with the nurses who were working the night shift. Well, on this particular night, I discovered that I could make long distance phone calls courtesy of the university health center. The first person I called was my favorite aunt Patricia who lived in Dallas. We started our conversation with me sharing about how things were going for me at college. Then, I a