
Showing posts from February, 2022

Russia Has Invaded the Ukraine. Uhhhhh, Ok. And?

DAMN! There are actual BLACK AMERICANS who care more about the white on white conflict in the Ukraine than they did about the massive earthquake that hit Haiti or the constant robbing of natural resources from countries in Africa by China and other European countries including America. Need I mention the deep silence of these same “concern for the Ukraine” American blacks on the issues of reparations, out of wedlock births, single motherhood, the constant assault on black male masculinity, the purposeful underfunding of public school systems where the student population is more than 85% black, and the purposeful ignoring of political tangibles for the black community by the Democratic Party even when the party receives millions of dollars in political donations and over 90% of the black vote from said community? I get it. The Russian-Ukraine incident is easy to get behind and express concern over. There’s really no actual work involved our expressing concern like the rest of America.

Essence Magazine Presents "Black Love" for the 21 Century. SMDH!

ESSENCE Magazine is the premier magazine for Black women. Still say the AGENDA isn’t real? Still don’t believe that a moral and genetic bait n switch is not occurring in this country? In the black community? Where are the so called voices of the black Believers in Christ? Why the CONTINUING silence on what your good book speaks out against when it comes to this blatant display of the #LGBTQPIA Agenda? Why are black women in general so silent when it comes to the topic of homosexuality EXCEPT when they get socially upset with a straight BLACK man who is labeled as disagreeable and is then ANGRILY referred to as being gay in an effort to shame and discredit him or his opposing views on a topic that they feel strongly about? How come black Women NEVER publicly call out or chastise homosexuality in their gender, but yet will write a blog and do a two hour video on YouTube about how some black men date outside of their race or on the topic of down low black men, but never on the high numb