Judge Joe Brown for Mayor of Memphis. 1/4/2023

If he wins, I may just move back home! His election would send the clear message that Black Memphis is finally ready to make the much needed economic, educational, political and community changes in leadership and in the mindset of the people. To live in a majority black city that’s on the move and it’s not Atlanta, would definitely be the soup for my soul. 

We ALL at some point want to return to our home towns and cities to help make things better and not feel like an army of one. I think with the election of Judge Joe Brown to the mayor’s seat in Memphis, Tennessee for a lot of us who left Memphis initially for better economic opportunities or in my case (to salvage my mental health) returning home would become more of a considerable reality.

Dallas is an AWESOME CITY! Dallas/FortWorth is an amazing metroplex. I’ve been here for 15 years now and I still feel the same excitement about this place as I did when I first drove across the glorious sight of Lake Ray Hubbard into downtown Dallas on Another August 8, 2008 at 5:30 pm. However, in my heart and soul, I never really settled here. I know after 15 years, you’d think that I would feel right at home at least five times over. Truth is, Memphis, Tennessee is my home. My roots. My activism, my community service, community connections and very important long time friendships are in my hometown. 

Moreover, I still feel like a grateful guest who has been wonderfully and graciously hosted by the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.  So, for me, if Judge Joe Brown wins the mayor’s race, it would be the perfect homecoming in 2024. 

Rico the Opinionist




I have an awesome short short/book for sale. It’s only $10.00. Its entitled, “The Greatest Pain I’ve Ever Felt: A Conversation With An Absent Biological Father That Never Wanted to be Found” 

It’s the true story of how I accidentally discovered who my biological father was and the emotional roller coaster I went on as a result. The book is in PDF format. When send your $10.00 cash  app, please include an email address to where you would like the book sent.



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