In Case You Did Not Know THIS…

Dr. Francess Cress-Welsing, Psychiatrist, African Centered Scholar, and the author of the ground breaking book;

The Isis Papers stated that Black adults must teach Black children to:

1.     Stop name calling.

2.     Stop cursing at one another.

3.     Stop squabbling with one another.

4.     Stop gossiping about one another.

5.     Stop snitching on one another.

6.     Stop being discourteous and disrespectful towards one another.

7.     Stop robbing one another.

8.     Stop stealing from one another.

9.     Stop fighting one another.

10. Stop killing one another.

11. Stop using and selling drugs to one another.

12. Stop throwing trash and dirt on the streets and in places where Black people live, work, play, and learn.

In addition to this, Dr. Francess Cress-Welsing also says:

1.     The war of white supremacy achieves a major effect through inferiorization or failed psycho-social development, creating dependency, negative self-image, negative self concept, and vulnerability.

2.     The war of white supremacy attacks the functioning of Blacks in general, but most specifically attacks the Black male; as it is the Black male who most specifically threatens white genetic survival at a level the Black female is unable to approach.

3.     Blacks must learn to counter the thrust of white supremacy and Black inferiorization effectively.

4.     Blacks must discuss openly those means by which Black male infants, children, and youth can be supported and developed maximally in order to counter the attack of white supremacy on Black male development and functioning.

5.     Black male infants, children, and youth need their fathers constantly present to support the behavior and identity of Black male children. Because of the removal of Black fathers from homes, classes are needed to promote high level functioning of Black males in their roles as fathers.

6.     The white supremacy attack upon the Black male causes a collapse of Black family life and a distortion in the role of the Black female. This, in turn, causes a distortion and collapse of the support system for Black infants, children, and youth, thereby beginning the process of inferiorization.

7.     Blacks must think about and openly discuss, not how to beg white people to stop racism, but instead, how Black people can organize their own behavior on an ongoing basis, specifically to neutralize white supremacy and its impact on the development of Black offspring.

8.     The singing of “We Shall Overcome” will not combat white supremacy or Black inferiorization any more than singing any song with help solve a problem that deals with medicine or physics.

9.     Immature and overwhelmed fathers and mothers cannot promote psycho-social development and counter Black inferiorization in the next generation.

10. Single female teenagers cannot promote psycho-social development in male or female offspring. Most certainly, they cannot develop male offspring. They can only prepare these male offspring to spend their lives in penal institutions (jails-prisons) while preparing their own daughters to become teenage mothers.

11. Maximal development of the collective Black genetic and constitutional potential will take place by the efforts of Black people alone (their knowledge, understanding, and behavior).


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