If you’re black, especially a black man, and you support Trump or you don’t hate him like they think you are supposed to, black folks who you are related to through blood and marriage, who you rode the elementary school bus with, graduated from high school with, who you go to church with, who you drink and play cards with, who you went to college with, who are dating, who are married to, who are in the same fraternity of sorority with etc, who you go trips/vacations with will flat out attack you, demonize you, and vilify you as if you’ve never met.

It’s so bad that there are Black men and Black  women who support Trump or who are non Democrats or Republicans are forced to go into hiding or stay quiet about their support and their political views  during the election seasons out of avoiding assured verbal backlash and some cases, very aggressive confrontations members of their own race. It’s madness. 

I thought that this was a Democracy where people have the right to support whoever they want politically. I thought people had the right to support and vote for whoever they want regardless of political party. (Republican, Democrat, Independent etc). 

I may not agree with some of my fellow black people’s political views and the candidates they support, but making them feel threatened and even unsafe because they vote Democrat and they want Biden back in office is not and has NEVER been my MO. 

Who told Democratic Blacks that they controlled the voting choices of every Black person, ESPECIALLY the voting and political choices of all black men in our race in this country. I wanna know exactly who the fuck told them this! I want put that person or those persons in check, real time! 

It’s ok for Black people to be Democrats. It’s ok for Black people to be Independents. It’s ok for Black people to be Republican. It’s ok for Black people to vote for Biden in November. It’s ok for Black people to vote for any Third Party or Independent candidate in November. It more than ok for any Black American, especially Black MEN, to vote for Donald Trump in November. Get over it!!

Stop harassing and demonizing masculine, straight BLACK MEN for leaving the Democratic Party! Oh and just because so many black men have left and continuing to leave DOES NOT mean they are headed to the Republican Party. Stop telling/spreading that lie! 

RicoThe Opinionist



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