Goodbye, Candace Owens!!

#CandaceOwens I understood your message of encouraging blacks to leave the Democratic plantation from your Conservative platform and organization called #TurningPoint. I also understand your far right political leanings, which is certainly not against the law. You've articulated your pros and cons as it relates to the unbalanced relationship between blacks and the liberal left and I agreed with your arguments. 

However, this latest premature and irresponsible rant in the recent murder of #AhmaudArbery among other things, have caused me to adjust my " benefit of the doubt" meter when it comes to your so called "telling it like it is" style of presenting what you believe are facts. Granted. None if us are beyond or above critique. However, I've always found it very interesting that you and many other avowed #BlackConservatives rarely, if ever, share scathing critiques about WHITE conservatives. White cops who murder unarmed black males or anyone for that matter. You NEVER have anything disparaging to say about anyone in your #Conservative movement. Lord knows there is a lot that can be said about the shady, manipulating, racist behavior of many in your conservative movement. Yet, you and many other so called black conservatives conveniently have nothing to share. Because of this purposeful blind eye that you turn towards white conservatives, but you have so much say about black males and white liberals, let's me know that your agenda is only Candace. Not black folks doing better politically. Just Candace.

Candance, You are nothing but a hired recruiter for black bodies for the Conservative Party. Your recruitment strategy was indeed a good one. The Democratic party does SUCK for blacks in this country. Its actually the party for LGBTQP and women. Heterosexual, masculine black males are just ornaments for show in that political party. However, is there really truly a LEGITIMATE space for blacks as a whole in the Conservative Party? No. Not really. But......I do think that straight black men would receive some semblance of breathing room over there. Candace, I think you are smart, articulate and very pretty.....but I can't take you seriously, at least not anymore. I have always found it to be weird when biracial people try to prop themselves up as concerned spokespersons for actual black people's concerns and issues. I find it even more weird and uncomfortable when an actual black person props himself or herself up as a supposed spokesperson for black people's concerns and issues, but don't see value in dating and/or marrying within your own group that you are supposed to be so concerned about. That talking black while sleeping white fence straddling does not fly with me. 

The late great Queen mother, psychiatrist and master teacher Dr. Frances Cress-Welding taught, "Whomever a person lays down with and who they marry....they share the same political beliefs and racial beliefs"
Candace, You've done enough "talking black while sleeping white." Good Riddance!

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Tweet Rico The Opinionist @RicoQMHP @RealCandaceO. You can go now. WE got this. You can take that tired "Black on Black" violence narrative with you. You take your fake concern for black America with you as well. Go and enjoy your marriage with your WHITE husband. #STFU!'😠😠

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and wedding Image may contain: 2 people, hat, closeup and outdoor


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