

  If you’re black, especially a black man, and you support Trump or you don’t hate him like they think you are supposed to, black folks who you are related to through blood and marriage, who you rode the elementary school bus with, graduated from high school with, who you go to church with, who you drink and play cards with, who you went to college with, who are dating, who are married to, who are in the same fraternity of sorority with etc, who you go trips/vacations with will flat out attack you, demonize you, and vilify you as if you’ve never met. It’s so bad that there are Black men and Black  women who support Trump or who are non Democrats or Republicans are forced to go into hiding or stay quiet about their support and their political views  during the election seasons out of avoiding assured verbal backlash and some cases, very aggressive confrontations members of their own race. It’s madness.  I thought that this was a Democracy where people have the right to support whoever t

Democrats Disrespect Black Voters Every Year!

 BLACK VOTERS turnout at the rate of least 94% in every election cycle for the Democratic Party and has done so for the past 60 years. However, despite this huge turnout year after year, fear-mongering is all the Democratic Party has to offer black voters every election cycle. No policies. No economics. No tangibles. Just a lot of “Deez evuh Ruhpulikins gonze gitcha!”  “Yallz best beez carefuh! If ole Trump gits back in der, heez gone turnz uhsin back into slaves!” Or in the words of JimCrow Joe Biden, “They gone putchall back in chains!”  Now, when these same Democrats are speaking to groups of Jews, Asians, white Homosexuals, Hispanics, Native Americans and about illegal immigrants, they don’t mention Donald Trump. They don’t mention Project 2025. They don't talk to them about Republicans. They don’t talk to them about any stupid threats to their voting rights nor Democracy.  They talk about the actual protection laws, economic packages, reparations packages they helped, I mean,

Dear Black Suburbanites: Stop talking Democrat While Sleeping Republican!

  Dear Black People who live in clean, safe, mainly white suburbs with a low crime rate along with very well-funded school districts where your children attend and thrive educationally: I find it very interesting that a lot of YOU are the main ones who encourage the many blacks who live in the ghetto or hood to continue to vote same way (Democrat) when you know damn well that you live in a suburb that is mainly Republican led and ran. Why do you do this? Why do you encourage the black people who still live in the hood to continue to vote against their own economic and educational interests every two and four years, knowing that their situation is never going to change as long as they continue vote for these same people every election year? Why do you leave your suburbs to come to the hood to campaign for Democratic candidates when you know damn well for the most part that Democratic politicians are nowhere to be found in your beautiful suburbs? Do you people hate blacks in the hoo

I Don't Qualify to Be a Democrat!!

  After very careful review, it is apparent that I don’t qualify to be a Democrat. I’m not a Black woman. I’m not a single mother. I’m not an angry rage filled feminist. I’m not a homosexual/member of the LGBTQPIA. I’m not an illegal immigrant nor am I an immigrant at all for that matter. I’m not Asian or Pacific Islander. I’m not Hispanic or a Latino. I’m not Native American. I’m not Ukrainian. I’m not a white liberal. I’m not a hard left leaning liberal Black person. I’m not multiracial or of mixed race. I’m not a Jew-ish White person. I’m not trans in any shape, form or fashion. I don’t hate Donald Trump. I don’t hate Republicans. I don’t hate Black conservatives. I don’t hate Black males. I know what a biological woman is. I know what a biological man is. I don’t have any pronouns. I don’t use pronouns under my name. I don’t promote nor do I celebrate single motherhood. I believe in a family being made up of a man as the head of household with a wife (biological woman) and child

Dear, GSU President Search Committee.

I sure hope that this time an actual search for Grambling’s next President will be conducted unlike seven years ago. The next President does not have to be a Grambling graduate. They already tried that. However, if should happen to be a Grambling graduate, make sure they understand and actually promote HBCU/Black culture and Black consciousness at Grambling State university on a daily basis.  For the next President, would it be possible to select a person with a Ph.D, who has years of experience in working at a university especially a HBCU as a Professor, a VP for Student Affairs, VP for Academic Academic Enhancement, VP and Provost, a Dean of students or a President of a university, especially a HBCU? Would it possible that the next President of Grambling to have some knowledge of recruitment of Black students? Not only in certain parts of Louisiana, but all over the country? Grambling is a national and global phenomenon. Could the next be a person who sees great value in having Lyceu

I Wonder If Jeremy Brown were Trans.

 I Wonder If #JeremyBrown were Trans.  6/28/2023 I wonder if the cheering of Jeremy Brown’s murder would be as loud and sanctimonious if he were a trans woman (a dude that identifies as a woman) punching a biological black female as a result of a heated argument. I wonder if Black men and black women would hold the trans woman to the same standard of, “A real man never argues with a woman.” I wonder if the Black females DA in Chicago, Kim Foxx, would have completely dropped ALL charges and as quickly as she did if the murdered person were trans. I wonder if the description of “murdered victim” would be stripped away from Jeremy Brown if he were trans.  I am wondering about this because I rarely hear or read anywhere where the Black community raises it voice about the dudes who wear wigs who often verbally or physically assault biological women in this country. The trans women have even joined women’s sports such as MMA kick boxing to “legally” pummel women. Yet, I only seem to hear the

The Agenda Continues! SMH!

Dr. Francess Cress Welsing who wrote “The Isis Papers” told us years before her passing, that there would be days like this and here we are. It’s blantantly staring all of us in the face and WE still seem to be either in disbelief or caught off guard. What Jaden Smith is doing and continues to do is a contractual agreement. He’s been in a few gender bending clothing ads for white fashion companies before this one. His father, Will Smith, describes him as being brave. Remember, his dad when he was the age that Jaden is now, starred in his first movie, “Six Degrees of Separation” where he got his cheeks clapped by a man, who just happened to be white. Now, his son has grown up to move in the space created by his dad where he now is gets his preverbal cheeks claps by white entities in these cross dressing clothing ads for women.  The agenda is not only real. It apparently gets passed down. What continues to be baffling is the agreement with this agenda by so many supposedly heterosexual,